Say goodbye to that double chin.
Belkyra® is a Health Canada authorized injectable treatment to reduce the appearance of moderate to severe submental fat (also known as a ‘double chin’), creating a smooth and gradual jaw definition. Dr. Carruthers was involved in the clinical trials and was one of the first Canadian doctors to offer the treatment.
A double chin is commonly influenced by genetics, aging, and/or weight gain. Unfortunately, this fat can be stubborn and frustrating, remaining even throughout weight loss and lifestyle changes. A Belkyra® treatment provides an effective surgery-free solution by reducing or eliminating this fat through a series of injections.
The formula consists of Sodium Deoxycholate. When injected below the skin, it causes breaks down fat cells and the overlying skin tightens, improving the desired contour.
Treatment Areas
- Chin
What to Expect
Belkyra® is a simple, non-surgical procedure that takes about 30 minutes and has little to no downtime. It may be associated with some discomfort and hair loss, redness, tingling or itchiness, as well as pain may require oral medication, such as Tylenol or NSAIDs. Temporary mild bruising, numbness or swelling around the treated area might occur. Rare side effects include nerve injury and low or high blood pressure immediately following treatment.